Purchase Tutoring & Mentorship

Not sure what you are looking for? Purchase a generic package below to use across any categories or reach out to us for help! Email us at sat@studentagencies.com or fill out the contact form below!

Select a package size according to your needs!
from $35.00
  • Allocate package hours whenever you need for whatever period of time you want

  • Tutoring can be conducted in-person or online

  • Note: the Trial Package will only be available once for first-time customers!

Add Package to Cart

After Purchase

After you purchase a package, if our current tutor team is available to tutor in the subject(s) you specified, we will pair you with a tutor within 24-72 hours, and the tutor will reach out to you directly via email. If we are currently onboarding a new tutor for you, you can expect to hear from us within 24 hours with updates.

Our tutoring sessions are on Zoom by default. Please include your preference in the checkout package if you would like to schedule in-person tutoring sessions. Between May and August, in-person tutoring availabilities may be limited.

Refund Policy

We issue refunds on a case-by-case basis if we cannot match you with a tutor that fulfills your needs. Partial refunds are generally not accepted. For all other conditions, we will maintain tracking your package hours until you need any of our tutoring services in the future!

Package Expiration Policy

All Packages expire after 365 days of purchase. This gives you a full year to use your hours for any combination of course work, college prep, essay review, standardized tests, or final exams that you wish!

Have any questions?

Give us a call at (607) 272-2000 ext. 234 or fill out the form below!